Prayer Corner - February 2024

As February is mid way, winter and summer is slowly ending around the world. For some of us this is a time of reflection of where we have come from and where we are headed. It’s a time of introspection which will bear fruit when we do it with God.

Practicing The Examen is an invitation to God to join us as we reflect over our day, week, or month. Reflecting on where we have sensed God’s presence, leads us to a worshipful heart. Realizing that there are moments in our lives where we have not sensed God’s presence begs the question of why not. Taking those moments back to God in prayer, we share with God how our inner life is broken. Sharing at this depth brings healing to a battered soul.

For those of us who don’t like being alone but like to have someone to debrief with, a spiritual director would be of benefit. To be listened to without judgement but with acceptance of our mutually shared humanity, is a gift a spiritual director offers. At other times, all we need is a spiritual friend whose goal is to help us become more like Jesus.

Be encouraged this month to spend time with God and his people, to listen to yourself and to others so that you can become a Shalom bearer on this beautiful earth.

Dr. Nita Kotiuga

Director of Spiritual Formation